Thursday 4 February 2010

D.I.Y for girls!

For one of this semesters projects we have been asked to think up a new app for the iPhone! This task proved just a little difficult as according to Apples website, there are over 100,000 apps already available. So needless to say every time I thought of a 'unique' idea I was disappointed to learn that it already exists. So after consulting my friends, and receiving some very weird ideas, some of which I don't think would be allowed to be produced, I got my thinking cap back on.

I finally came up with the idea to create a D.I.Y app .... for girls! Now for all of you that think I am making out that girls don't know how to do simple D.I.Y tasks then you are kind of right. I am not being sexist at all but when it comes down to unblocking the drain or hanging a picture it is usually the men in our lives that take on these tasks. So I thought why not design an application that is aimed at girls.

I have decided to base the design of my app on heat magazine, a common purchase for many girls. The reason I chose this magazine is because it has a very recognizable design; everything from its layout, use of typography and choice of colour. The idea is to incorporate the design of heat magazine into a manual outlining how to complete common D.I.Y tasks.

Even though this app isn't being created for real, I would like to know whether you think it would work effectively? Would a familiar/ fun layout make the task less scary and therefore easier to carry out? Do you think by using a similar layout, to heat magazine, it would engage the audience more than a standard manual?

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