Thursday 15 October 2009

Making Connections

"Design is a subject that intersects with so many other disciplines (science, psychology, social studies, geography, politics, economics) and at undergraduate level you need to start making those connections by taking an interest in things that, at first sight, don’t seem to have a lot to do with your chosen subject."

For assignment 2A our Seminar group had to brainstorm each of our chosen topics from Assignment 1B. Working in a small group was encouraged as we could all work on our chosen chapters but were able to help one and other. This assignment's purpose was to help us think differently; both as individuals and as a group. Prior to starting the brainstorming session we read over the rules. The one that really stood out for me was that "there are no dumb ideas". Everything that was said had to be written down, no one could dismiss an idea as silly or stupid. I think this encouraged us all to contribute a lot more.

We decided to set ourselves a time limit of ten minutes to come up with as many ideas relating to each of our chosen topics. After allocating a note taker we got to work, remembering that the assignment requested quantity rather than quality. After completing this process for all three topics, we decided to take a well deserved break! I found this very useful, it was good to take time to think and reflect on the work we had just done. On our return to the studio we all had a few ideas that we went on to discuss further. After looking back at out brainstorming session we realised that we hadn't come up with that many ideas that related to design so we have organised a pub lunch so that we can have a good blether for task 2B. Aswell as a wee drink!

At college we never worked in groups so this process is fairly new to me. However I have been really enjoying it, and I think it a crucial skill to have, especially when working in the Creative Industries.

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